Saturday, April 2, 2011

"All-In Saturday!" Everybody Hit Their Goal!

What a Great Day for Everyone!  100% of the Group achieved their Goal....what an awesome, driven group!  Results:

Mike(PodageeFitness Dude)     Goal=217     Actual:  216.8
John                                            Goal=175     Actual:  175.2
Terrence(PakeFitnessDude)      Goal=170     Actual:  168.7
Rick(YoboFitnessDude)           Goal=193     Actual:   192
Wendell (1/2 of WannabeFits)  Goal=199    Actual:  198.8
Cindy(other 1/2 of Wannabes)  Goal=3mi    Actual:   3mi continous run
Dave (DaBigBoy)                      Goal=243    Actual:  242.8
Michele(PinkFitnessGal)           Goal=3mi    Actual:   Injury Hiatus

BTW, we allow up to 0.9 on your weight long that verifying photo shows us the main digits were achieved.

Also, some have sent in their next month's goal, some have not.  Please verify what your May goal is by emailing or texting me.  And remember, you set your own monthly goal every month....sometimes it may be to maintain your current weight, or fitness level because you hit your long term goal already, or you overachieved this month, and want to rest one month--then get back to lower lb goal the following month.  So long you at least maintain the weight loss you have already achieved.

After I receive the confirmed May Goals, I will post them for all to see.

Again, you all provide such great inspiration to me....I hope you all are enjoying this and benefitting from it as much as I am.  You all are so GREAT!
Thank you!

1 comment:

dapinkfitnessgal said...

Congratulations to my fellow FitnessDudes and FitnessGals! Such inspiration is contagious! I am entering my third week in rehab out of four, and hearing everyone is achieving their goals (and then some) is keeping me going.

Good luck next month and hope I will be able to keep up with such an elite group! Terrific job!

Take care and have fun!